Source: Independent

President Donald Trump is known to have the lowest approval ratings from all his predecessors. However, he is getting even lower ratings because of the battle over Trumpcare which is supposed to replace Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act. The proposed healthcare bill doesn’t seem to be doing the President any good. Numerous surveys have been conducted just this week, and all them showed how Trump’s approval rating dropped slightly.

The latest data from the tracking poll headed by Gallup revealed that only 39% of Americans are siding with the President. The majority of the people is disappointed with Pres. Trump’s performance in his first 50 days as the President of the United States. The 39% approval is down from 42% over the weekend. Meanwhile, 55% disapproved of the President’s performance. At least 1,500 adults were surveyed by Gallup, and the survey has a minus or plus three percentage points as the margin of error.

Rasmussen Reports released their most recent figure last Tuesday of Trump’s approval ratings and it is at 46%, which is down from 49% last week. From the people that were surveyed, 53% disapproved. Typically, Rasmussen finds better results of ratings for Republicans. They sampled 1,500 American voters. The survey had 2.5 percentage points plus or minus as margin of error.

The data of Gallup showed how the demographic groups that were responsible for Trump’s win during the presidential race still approve of the job he is doing for the country. It is surprising how 67% of white males approved of the President’s job performance. Take note that the white males surveyed by Gallup are without college degrees. Overall, President Trump remains to be historically unpopular. Last week’s approval ratings of Trump were the worst. It has been six decades since anyone has achieved this low of a rating. According to Gallup, former Pres. Barack Obama maintained an approval rating of 62% last March 2009.

Source: The Boston Blode

It’s clear that the presidency of Pres. Donald Trump got off to a very rocky start. Just recently, Trump campaigned for the all new American Health Care Act, which the Trump administration tried to resist labeling as ‘Trumpcare.’ The replacement bill of Obamacare has drawn criticism not just from Democrats, but also from Republicans. Trumpcare is expected to leave 24 million American citizens without any insurance coverage in a decade’s time if it is approved. This is according to the Congressional Budget Office.

A poll of Morning Consult/Politico was released last Wednesday and it revealed that 46% of the American people approve of Obamacare’s replacement to some degree. Apparently, the country is split on what it thinks about Trumpcare and how it will affect the nation’s health care. There are still voters who are hopeful about Trumpcare, thinking that it might improve America’s health care quality. 30% of the surveyed population claims that it will actually do the opposite and lessen the quality.