President Trump is currently on vacation for 2 weeks at one of his golf clubs, especifically in Bedminster, NJ. Even on vacation, Trump unleashed a tweetstorm about his usual target: "24/7 Fake News." Monday morning, he criticized New York Times and said it was "failing."
"New York Times, which is failing, is totally inept. It has also made a series of wrong predictions about me even on my massive election win," tweeted the President.
Pres. Trump followed the tweet with a couple more that said: "The Trump base has become far stronger and bigger than ever before even with Fake News polling. Just take a look at the rallies in Ohio, Iowa, Penn, and West Virginia. What is real is that the record stock market, Russian collusion story of the Fake News, border security, job, military strength, economic enthusiasm, Supreme Court pick, deregulation, and so much more drove our base closer than it was before. That will never change!"
According to Trump, he thinks it’s hard for him to grasp the fact that even #Fake News on ABC, CNN, NBC, NYTIMES, CBS, and WAPO around the clock didn’t trample his camp. Instead, '24/7 #Fake News' made Trump base even stronger.

Trump also said the low approval ratings he garnered were fabricated. The President believes this to be true because of the amount of people at his most recent rallies. Following the tweetstorm, he made sure everyone knows he’s working very hard even when he’s away from the White House.
"Working very hard from NJ while the White House is still going through a long-planned renovation. I will be heading to New York in a week for meetings," tweeted Trump.

Last Saturday, Pres. Trump insisted the 17-day vacation isn’t what it seems - he’s still working since he's taking meetings and calls. On Sunday night, the President called South Korea's President, Moon Jae-in, to talk about the North Korea’s latest missile tests.
The Monday morning tweetstorm further suggested speculation regarding John Kelly, Trump's newest chief of staff, on being incapable of reining in Trump as well as his tweeting habits.
As Bloomberg reported over the weekend, John Kelly advised the President on his posting on social media as it might cause international uproar. It may also result in unwelcome distractions. Everyone concluded that Trump’s tweets have been buttoned down for these past weeks.
However, this is just wishful thinking as it will surely be difficult for anyone, even the chief of staff, to convince Trump of bottling up his tweets - especially on those who criticize or defy him! Trump has also been asked to refrain from revealing his candid thoughts on the investigation regarding possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Trump’s latest ire toward the Times was possibly caused by a story it published detailing the President's lying pattern.